We’ve all seen all sorts of damage done by the sudden pandemic of COVID-19 in our world- from the loss of life, economic downturn, financial crisis, to mental health issues. We stay at home, preserve social distance, and curtail outdoor activities, all efforts to prevent ourselves from exposure to this virus.
While our peers, one-by-one of them, are gradually getting vaccinated, many are still waiting for their turn to take the jab so that we can be less anxious about the risk when going out.
We as citizens must understand our responsibility in taking vaccinations, not only for ourselves, but also for our family members, friends, community, and the world. Nonetheless, that doesn’t deny that people endure stress moments after staying at home for far too long and are fraught with worry about the vaccination.
Therefore, our aim today is to deliver some tips for you upon getting your vaccination. The information given is leveraged from UNICEF and WHO’s sites to get you prepared effortlessly.
Tourplus Personalised Shuttle Service

Before we proceed with those top tips, here’s some good news to fellow employers from Tourplus. We completely understand the troubles and hassles of transfering your workers to the vaccination centers. With that, we would like to introduce Tourplus Personalised Shuttle Service for all of you.
We offer this Shuttle Service by sending your workers to the hospitals/ vaccination centers in the Klang Valley area from your work placements (or vise versa). Our pick-up locations include Shah Alam, Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Kota Kemuning, Klang, and Port Klang. If you come from these locations, then this service would be suitable for you.
As we try to ease up your financial burden in an unprecedented time like this, our price range starts from RM260 for the van and RM580 for the bus (with terms and conditions apply). You may browse through our webpage for more details. We hope this helps your company’s vaccination process.
Remember, getting vaccinated could be a life-changing experience at this moment. Without further ado, below are some tips for you.
1. Research, Research and Research!

(Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash)
Be sure to do some research before getting your first dose.
There are three types of vaccines we’re getting in Malaysia at the moment- Pfizer, Sinovac, and AstraZeneca. All works differently and may impart dissimilar reactions to your body. Thus, it’s essential to identify which one works best for you and register yourself as early as possible.
If you are generally fine with any of them, you may just sit back and relax until you’re notified of your turn. On the contrary, if you’ve got a specific type that you want for yourself, you are encouraged to visit private hospitals and get them from there. Of course, if you still have doubts, feel free to talk to any nearby health workers or even consult doctors for a more thorough insight into your condition with the vaccination that you are getting.
We also want you to cross-check the facts about the virus and vaccinations that you have come across on the internet. Make sure you rely on credible sources such as mainstream media, updates issued by the Ministry of Health of Malaysia (KKM), official sites for all health-related organizations, and information in the MySejahtera app.
2. Check Your Itinerary

(Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash)
We encourage you to make your checklist to prevent yourself from missing out on any details before the vaccination.
Bear in mind that the common rules when going out nowadays are still mandatory during your vaccinations. For instance, we need to put on a mask, practice social distancing, bring along a hand sanitizer, attach your identity card or passport, and display the registered MySejahtera app on your mobile phone.
The additional reminders are to wear any loose clothes that would allow you to roll up your sleeves when getting your jab, and be honest about your health conditions and the medical treatment that you’re enduring (if there’s any) to the health provider on the spot.
(Ps: As of 23rd July 2021, Malaysia’s Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation, Khairy Jamaluddin stated that the vaccination recipients are allowed to record the COVID-19 vaccination process, so remember to turn your phone camera on!)
3. Take Your Photo At The Photo Booth

(Image credit: Photo by Faiq Kiryu Aizuddin)
Scrolling through your social media feeds, you may have noticed netizens with their photos at the photo booth after finishing their vaccinations. This may come off as a trend, but it also serves as awareness for those who haven’t registered themselves to get vaccinated soon.
With the benefit that follows, you have a solid excuse to snap a photo with them and upload the images to your social media profile as well. Don’t forget to include hashtags such as #CucukMYAZ if you’re getting AstraZeneca and #LindungDiriLindungSemba to push the message to more people online.
4. Observe Your Side Effects

(Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash)
You’ll be instructed to stay at the vaccination center for 15-30 minutes. This observation period is to allow you to monitor the side effects if any reactions occur. Some of these reactions consist of itching, fainting, allergy, suffocation, and vomiting. Nothing happens within this time frame means that you’re in good hands, but in case of any emergency, you may need to acknowledge the health worker instantly.
When you are home, be sure to expect other common side effects such as fever, fatigue, headaches, joint pain, and arm-swelling as your body’s immune system is working on enhancing its protection against the virus. Typically, people take 2-3 days from recovering, so you might want to keep the Panadol and other supplements as backups.
Once you’ve recovered, remember to check out your schedule in MySejahtera app for the 2nd dose appointment. Some vaccination centers allow you to make the appointment on the spot right after your first jab. It’s always safe to clarify with the health worker before leaving the place.
5. Stay Vigilant

(Photo by Kevin Grieve on Unsplash)
Just because you’ve taken two doses, that doesn’t stop you from keeping up with the preventive measures. While vaccinations are effective in minimizing our risks, there are statistics that claim that the vaccination recipients are still getting infected and could pass the virus to others.
Therefore, it’s important for everyone, vaccinated or not, to stay vigilant against COVID-19 until the rates of infectious cases become stable.
About Tourplus

Tourplus, a personalized travel platform, is an online travel agency (OTA) that provides a digital local travel guide (certified driver guides and customizable itineraries with reviews available to ease tourists’ user experience) to tourists.
Itineraries such as flights, F&B outlets, shopping malls, hospitality and accommodations, tourist attractions, and more are inevitable items on a trip. Hence, Tourplus came in handy by collating merchants into the list of choices for users to browse through before making decisions.
Currently, Tourplus is moving towards becoming a social travel app that doesn’t only serve as a catalog for users to browse through recommended places, but also a place for social networking among travellers, which makes it more interesting to be acquired, and it’s manufactured in Malaysia. We hope you enjoy using Tourplus for your travel discovery in this multiracial country.
(Featured Image by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash)