Sama Sama 2020

Sama Sama 2020

Street Festivals are held during the National month to promote culture and arts of the various communities, to strengthen our bonding and promote unity. Activities will include pop up stores, creative art and craft markets, food stalls. live performances, cultural...
Sumpit (Blowpipe) Challenge & Aboriginal Festival 2020

Sumpit (Blowpipe) Challenge & Aboriginal Festival 2020

The Sumpit Challenge and water rafting competition will be conducted in conjunction with the Orang Asli (indigenous people) annual cultural festival. The event will showcase traditional ceremonies, cultural performances, dances and marriage rituals. Source by COE...
Borneo Fest

Borneo Fest

Borneo Cultural Festival or simplified as BCF is the annual festival of food and music which is held in Sibu, Sarawak on every July–August every year since 2003. The festival is organised by the Sibu Municipal Council.[2] The main scope of BCF is to gather the...
Pesta Kalimaran

Pesta Kalimaran

Pesta Kalimaran is held annually on March 31 at the Murut Cultural Center, Tenom, Sabah, Malaysia. Previously, the Kalimaran Festival was held in several places and did not follow the Malaysian tourism calendar. Sabah Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment,...